You can start teaching others to sew and In order to sew successfully you need to up your skill then get supplies like fabric zippers and buttons and draw a designs of the cloth you want to sew, every clothing has its very own supplies needed, do not worry the notifications will tell you if you lack any and just go to the pie-menu and buy more supplies there is a new interaction called check inventory your notifications will show what you have left, You may loose fabric and other supplies if you start sewing without the skill unless you are a prodigy it is not 100 percent set. The sewing machine mod has 68 new interactions and dummy physics of the final clothe product which has its own interaction as well after sewing you need to promote you actual clothes in social media if you do not intend to wear them or you will have unsuccessful sales, gain followers up to 10k, SLOWLY with each post. This mod allows you to sew actual clothes and sell them on 'Plopsy' or wear them, there is a trait, A sewing skill of 10 levels, and you can practice on paper and teach children and toddlers 10 meters around the machine. To find the sims4 retro sewing machine modtype 'ozzy' in build mod to find the sewing machine.